Pedophilia: Satanic Ritual, Royal Secret (DVD)
This amazing DVD shines Scriptural Light on the Devil’s Triangle — a dangerous conjunction of Freemasonry, Aleister Crowley’s Thelema cult of the “Fascinating Child,” and the dark social engineering mind-control efforts of the Tavistock Institute/MI6/CIA. In this Teaching learn what demonic overlords command geopolitical perversity, nihilism, violence, “Wokeness” and satanism working frantically to crush and pervert our morality, children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious rights. THEN, STAND READY as Dr. Schnoebelen, N.D., shares HOW to DISMANTLE those overlords with ANOINTED STRATEGIES of SPIRITUAL WARFARE to take back territory the enemy has stolen!
$27.95  $24.95
Disclosure: UFO's Aliens and the Magick Connection (DVD)
With decades of research combined with personal experience, Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D., shares this Spirit-led Teaching containing vital information for the End-Times concerning the profound, dark magical underpinnings of the modern UFO phenomenon. Much of this material had never been revealed and remains a mystery to most. Yet Scripture reveals to the Body of Messiah it must be equipped and ready to respond to the ‘Big Reveal’ coming in the End of Days!
BULLETPROOF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Radionics & Spiritual Warfare (2 DVD Set!) NEW!
The world is panicked over emergent outbreaks of COVID-19. But does Almighty YAH already have answers in His Word and Creation to this frightening pandemic?
MANHOOD and the Spirit of Elijah (2 DVDs) - NEW!
The cultural-spiritual war against Scriptural Masculinity has escalated in America, spearheaded by the Spirit of Jezebel! This powerful teaching reveals how to combat it by restoring Scriptural Manhood!
Halloween - Unmasking Hellnight (DVD)
Is Halloween a harmless celebration or do the gates of hell really open on October 31st?
Gain MORE SPIRITUAL FIRE using Scriptural Pillars of power & the Four Divine Touchstones that lift Prayers - with excellence - before Abba’s Throne as sweet-smelling incense! Batter down the gates of hell and fearlessly implement your birthright in Messiah!
$24.99  $17.49
Blood on the Doorpost (eBook)
Thousands have called this book a "graduate level course in spiritual warfare and prayer ministry!" This is an excellent resource for prayer warriors, pastors, and those having difficulty getting their victory in their lives.
Unholy Covenants - Challenges for the Christian Mason (DVD)
Thousands of good Christian men are Masons. Learn to ask probing questions & challenge their allegiance to the Worshipful Master of their Lodge! This powerful DVD offers effective ways to reach them with Biblical truth!
$26.95  $24.95
DIMENSIONAL COMBAT <br> & the Armour of Light (DVD)
This is a Scriptural revelation of Spiritual Warfare in heavenly realms against fallen celestial beings!
$24.00  $16.80
Shattering Strongholds of ADDICTION
Scriptural strategies to Freedom from the torment of addiction! How to vanquish addiction's dark entities, bring down strongholds and walk in liberty!
The Order of the Eastern Star: Ladies of the Labyrinth (DVD)
The "Star" is the ladies' auxiliary for the Freemasonic order. Why do so many women who join suffer from spiritual oppression?
$18.47  $16.25
Churchcraft: Wicca, Christianity and the End of Days
The ancient religion of Witchcraft is rising up to destroy the church. What can be done to stop it?
$22.50  $15.75
Dark Roots, Withered Souls (DVD)
A major new teaching on elements of emotional healing that often must follow deliverance
$19.85  $17.95
Blood on the Doorposts
Many have called this book a "graduate level course in spiritual warfare and prayer ministry!"
$17.95  $14.95
Resisting unto Blood (DVD)
Forged-in-the-fire revelations from the Holy Spirit - NEW Biblical weapons & vital tactical warfare for the End Times!
Entertaining Dark Angels - Media - Spiritual Warfare - Biblical Choices (DVD)
There are the powerful connections between spiritual warfare strategies and entertainment choices.
$21.95  $15.36
Freemasonry: Fatal in the First Degree
An important question is: "How dangerous really IS Masonry in the lower degrees?"
$24.95  $22.95
Lucifer Dethroned (Book)
PLEASE NOTE: Be aware that there may be delays in up to a month on this book due to changes in printing source.

An extraordinary testimony of Jesus and coming out of Satanism, witchcraft, voodoo and even Vampirism!

$16.95  $13.95
Masonry: Beyond the Light - Book
Bill, a former 32nd degree Mason, Rosicrucian and Knight Templar, establishes the historical occult roots of Masonry in fertility cults and Illuminism.
$12.95  $11.50
Exposing the Illuminati from Within (Expanded) 2 DVD set
Four Powerful hours of teaching! Bill reveals hidden components of Satan's "New World Order" for these last days from a former insider's point of view!
Catholicism: The Church on Haunted Hill 2011- (DVD)
Bill brings 30 years of experience in Catholicism to examine the Biblical nature of the Roman church
$23.47  $22.25
The Light Behind Masonry (DVD)
Here it is, the "mother of all Masonry talks," as several have described it. This video has it all. Bill (a former 32nd degree Mason) spends nearly 2.5 hours going over the history, secrets, and political impact of the Lodge . . .
$27.47  $23.47