Catholicism: The Church on Haunted Hill 2011- (DVD)

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Part Number:180
Why, oh why, has the Catholic priesthood been sexually molesting little boys, young women and married women for the past 1,000 years? The answer is simple: Roman Catholicism is NOT genuine Christianity, but a mixture of numerous pagan and witchcraft doctrines and practices, all of which lead to sexual deviancy.

Bill also shockingly reveals that Catholic priests teach that Yah'shua (Jesus) was able to perform miracles only because He had gone into Witchcraft and was using the power of the Occult! The Bible calls this belief a sin which is unpardonable, either in this life or in the life to come (Matt 12:22-31). Therefore, priests who believe this heresy are no longer subject to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and can become unusually cruel and full of hate.

Bill, who spent 16 years in the Roman educational system and has a Master's degree in theology from a Roman seminary examines the dogmas of the Vatican in the light of Scripture and also shows why the Roman church is so far off course that such perversions (both doctrinal and sexual) are all but inevitable.