For delicious ginger cinnamon
Chunk Applesauce, peel and quarter six large Granny Smith apples and remove
seeds. Cut quartered apples into 3rds and put into a large stainless steel or
ceramic cooking pot with ¼ Cup of water. While these harder apples are getting
a ‘head start’ cooking on low heat, peel and quarter an equal number (or amount)
of sweeter red apples (like Pink Ladies). Quarter these, remove seeds, and cut
into larger ‘chunks’. These will cook faster!
Combine all apples in cooking pot with ingredients below, and simmer until red apples are cooked down and the Granny Smith apples are tender:
1 ½ Tsps Cinnamon
1/3 C Maple Syrup
4 Tlbs Coconut Palm Sugar
**This is meant to be a chunky applesauce – so you don’t want it mushy. Remove from heat while Granny Smith apples still have a solid form! If you make this and want it for another recipe, you’ll need to hide it in the frig – it tastes like pie filling! Making your own applesauce is well worth the effort! Use this with my Apple Ginger Cinnamon Cake Recipe, or as topping on my Apple Spice Muffins (gluten free).