Headcoverings - Abiding under the Shadow!
Natzarim Haggadah for Passover
Headcoverings, Obedience - It's Miraculous, Mary Schnoebelen
Fasting-Pressing into Prayer 2014
Can We Please Be Scriptural? - a further response to Bill's critics
The Mystery of Angels and Devils
Hanukkah - Triumph over Darkness
Bibliography on Spiritual Warfare
Bill's Suggested Bible Study Plan for Spiritual Recovery
Mitt Romney and the Mormon Plan for America
Response to Critics of Bill's Testimony
Sample Letter to Demit from Masonic Lodge or similar bodies
Straight Talk 60 and Bible Manuscripts
Straight Talk 61 on Graven Images
Straight Talk 37 on Homeopathy
Straight Talk 61 on the Immaculate Conception
Straight Talk 20 on Jehovah's Witnesses
Straight Talk 41 on Job's Daughters
Straight Talk 23 on Joseph Smith and the Occult
Straight Talk 39 on Is the Ku Klux Klan Actually Masonic?
Straight Talk 6 on Leaving LDS (Mormon) Church
Straight Talk 42 on Nicolaitanes
Straight Talk 16 on New King James Bible
Straight Talk 8 on Nostradamus
Straight Talk 15 on the Order of the Eastern Star
Straight Talk on Peter and the Papacy
Straight Talk on Prince Hall (African American) Masonry
Straight Talk #29 on Reincarnation
Straight Talk #12 on Rock Music in the Church
Straight Talk #40 on Spiritual Hygiene
Straight Talk on 17 Straw Men of the True Church (Mormon)
Straight Talk 1 on the Shriners
Straight Talk 28 on Spiritual Warfare for Protecting your Children
Straight Talk 2 on Taxonomy of Evil
Straight Talk 9 on Territorial Warfare and Spiritual Mapping
Straight Talk 49 on the Trinity
Straight Talk 58 on Witnessing to Freemasons
Straight Talk 57 on Witnessing to Mormons
Straight Talk 54 on Witnessing to Witches, Occultists and New Age Devotees