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CHASING THE WILD YEAST: Passover & Feast Cleansing Your Home

Posted by by Mary Schnoebelen on 3/14/2018 to Biblical Teachings
From a Hebraic & Historical Perspective 
This article was inspired by the Ruach haQodesh during prayers, after I encountered an eye-opening note on Facebook. A 'Friend' there made a post about 'getting the leaven out' that REALLY caught my eye (Thank You Bridget!) and made my spirit light up - soon, I was digging deeper into Scripture and doing research to answer the question haunting so many Set Apart Believers: What exactly is LEAVEN? 

Friends from all over have often asked me this question, and to tell you the truth, I didn't have a definitive answer...until now. Like most, I followed what tradition mandates. The truth is, leaven is not what most people think!

Please understand, Abba’s Commandment - His mandate concerning leaven – isn’t meant to instill fear of ‘forgetting something’ or ‘making a mistake’. Instead, we can obey His mandate with confidence and shalom with its intended instruction. As both a Set-Apart Believer and Baker, I’m really excited by what I’ve discovered! So, let’s look at Abba’s basic recipe for obedience and shalom as intended for this Commandment: