…And here I thought I was going to write about Pesach (Passover) and the incredibly deep spiritual importance of Unleavened Bread…about purifying oneself. But the RUACH haQODESH has a different path for this article so instead, I’ll share something that recently happened to me and share how deliverance recently changed the course of my faith journey and ministry. Here we go!
My Testimony of Liberation and Anointing
FIRST, this isn’t easy. But PRAISE YAHUSHUA! RUACH likes to take us out of our comfort zone for Abba’s KAVOD (Glory)! You know what I mean. But allow me to back up a minute…Have you seen the NEW PRAYER TEHILLIM – PSALMS Videos on our YouTube Channel? What a JOY it's been to lift YAH’s WORD and share it in this spiritually intimate way!