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Women & Wisdom

Posted by by Mary Schnoebelen on 5/4/2016 to Biblical Teachings
Women and Wisdom

“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.” Judges 4:4

Women are a blessing to the Body of Messiah. As Believers, we must begin to see through Spiritual, Biblical eyes at the vast resources so long overlooked by the Church because of Roman indoctrination and teachings. Sadly, even today, most of what we 'know to be true' about women and their role in our congregations, the home, and society at large have been handed down to us Roman and Greek heresies or grossly misinterpreted from the Pauline writings. We only have to look at how Yahushua Messiah taught, included and treated women to see that Biblically speaking (using HIS example in continuum and treatment as a guide), what we experience today is vastly different than YAHUWAH's original plan. This article, Women and Wisdom, is for all those seeking Wisdom, once so readily received and lived, by our Messiah according to Torah.